Welcome to the Foothills Arc Users Network
Our Objectives
- To transfer knowledge regarding available data and technical expertise.
- To promote regional awareness of GIS related activities.
- To encourage the collaboration of GIS efforts on a regional basis.
Our Mission
The mission of the Foothills Arc User Network is to provide a regional network for the exchange of knowledge related to the use of ESRI products.Established in 1999
Upcoming Events
Wednesday June 25th 09:00 AM
FAUN Meeting
Its Official! Our next FAUN meeting will be on June 25th at ACOG. We will be welcoming speaker Jun Xiao, the Enterprise GIS Administrator at Renewable Water Resources. More details on program to come. Lunch provided.
Thursday April 17th 09:00 AM
GCGIA Quarterly Meeting
GCGIA will be holding its second meeting of the year at ReWa on April 17th. More GIS announcements to come. Membership is free for GCGIA and refreshments are provided.
Countdown finished!
You will receive meeting reminders for our upcoming events, notice on special meetings and our newsletter with the latest GIS news in the Foothills.
FAUN Member Resources
Your dashboard for public data sharing in the Upstate.
Data by Municipality
Where to access public data sets for the UpstateGreenville County
The mission of Greenville County GIS is to provide accurate and timely geographic information, system access, technical assistance, and related services to meet the needs of County operations. County functions supported by GIS include real estate tax assessment, law enforcement/crime analysis, economic development, voter registration, planning and land development, emergency services, asset/work order management, and citizen access to GIS and related data via the Internet.City of Greenville
City of Greenville's GIS department has been providing spatial data and analysis to support its decision making process. The city was one of the first municipalities in the country to implement GIS. Currently, the city maintains over 140 data layers for use by employees and citizens as well as robust galleries of interactive and printable maps. Some of the common and nonsensitive layers are available free of charge to the public for a variety of uses.Pickens County
Pickens County provides many different web applications along with downloadable data sets for Aerials and Open DataClemson Resources
Clemson GIS has gathered links to free and for-purchase data sets for data ranging in topic and extent. Check out their data catalog here.
Where to get started with GIS
How to get started on your GIS Journey or find solutions to GIS problemsESRI Academy
Check out ESRI's learning academy with courses tailored to your skill level. Whether you’re brand-new to ArcGIS or a seasoned GIS professional who wants to master the latest technology, ESRI has resources to help you achieve your goals.Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies
Looking for more in-person learning opportunities? Check out CCGT. The mission of CCGT is to build a community of interdisciplinary geospatial science practitioners through the support of research, teaching, and outreach activities using technologies that enable the collection, analysis, and application of geospatial data. The Center is dedicated to assisting faculty and students in the integration of geospatial technologies within their scholarly activities across all disciplines at Clemson University and building connections between academic, industrial, governmental and non-governmental institutions throughout the world.
User Networks
Where to go to chat with other GIS professionals in your fieldFAUN's User-Members
At every meeting, we host an hour of open discussion where our GIS professionals can present creative solutions to industry problems and share new ideas. Join us for a meeting and bring your questions!GCGIA Data Sharing Network
The mission of Greenville County Geographic Information Alliance is “To facilitate the gathering, sharing and dissemination of geographic data among participating utility providers and local governments so as to eliminate duplication, reduce costs and provide accurate and compatible data for planning and operational support.” This group meets quarterly to discuss successes and progress on GIS based projects. Membership is free for both Voting Members and Subscribers.Geospatial Professional Network
GPN (formerly URISA) is a multi-disciplinary, inclusive organization and their professional members encompass all levels of experience and backgrounds and they work for a variety of organization types and disciplines. That's what makes them unique - a variety of perspectives to learn from!
FAUN News Room
Discover GIS User stories on ESRI's ArcNews site. As the longest-running continually published GIS periodical, with about 800,000 subscribers, ArcNews is the publication that GIS users of all levels read to find out about new ways to employ GIS and what’s new with ArcGIS technology. The majority of the articles in ArcNews are submitted by Esri users.
GIS Professional Network members receive THE GIS PROFESSIONAL six times per year, an e-newsletter focused on association news, trends, partner spotlights, and case studies.
FAUN Members will receive newsletters and email reminders for upcoming events. See what you missed last meeting, with presenters from Clemson University. Check back for a copy of our newsletter and other FAUN updates.
Stay up to date on all things GIS
Inspiring ESRI Stories and Blogs
Prepare your data for the National Spatial Reference System modernization of 2022 in the U.S.
By Bojan ŠavričUsing ArcGIS Excalibur for Damage Assessment
By Yuri Potawsky and Tom Merhige, Joshua Piercy and Priscilla KimFrom Concept to Reality: A Step-by-Step Guide to Launching a Drone Program
By Bobbi Nitz and Reanne Barrette