
Summary of Officer Duties and Responsibilities


* Conduct all meetings
* Develop agenda for meetings
* Schedule speakers and/or presentations for meetings
* Chair Executive Committee

Vice President

* Assist President with his/her duties
* Reserve meeting site
* Organize the set-up of the meeting site
* Co-Chair Executive Committee
* Becomes FAUN president the following year


* Collect dues from members
* Coordinate invoicing
* Maintain checking account
* Pay all bills
* Chair Finance Committee
* Update and maintain database of current membership
* Update and maintain other databases as needed (i.e. training rosters and “guru” lists)
* Coordinate with Communications Officer to provide member services
* Promote our organization

Communications Officer

* Take minutes for each meeting
* Distribute minutes to all members
* Coordinate the development of a web page
* Distribute newsletter
* Chair Communication Committee